The enormous potential of WISE — Why WISE Token can pump harder than any other crypto

5 min readNov 17, 2020

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WISE is a staking platform. But behind this seemingly simple concept, there are extremely effective mechanisms that hide enormous potential for long-term investors.

In this short article, we will look behind the scenes and uncover these mechanisms in more detail.

Basically, WISE offers two different ways to increase the invested capital.

1. Staking

The WISE Tokens can be locked for a certain period of time and generate interest in return. The longer the tokens are locked away, the higher the interest on the WISE Tokens used will be. The percentage interest rate will be significantly higher than the interest rate banks can offer. However, this will certainly not reach 100x or 1000x of the investment.

2. Price increase

This is where the true potential of WISE is hidden. WISE has a much greater potential for price increases than any other token. The reason is the clever conception of WISE, which makes it so sensitive to upward price movements.

To better illustrate the difference, here is a brief insight into the usual procedure in the industry.
-What usually happens with the investors’ collected capital, i.e. with your money-

Usually, a large part goes directly to the team and the developers. They are paid for the work done so far, regardless of whether the project is a success or not. Another part of the pie is for the marketing budget. In principle, the white paper (if a white paper exists) shows how the capital is or will be used. However, it is impossible for an independent third party to reconstruct what the collected money was actually used for. After all, only a very small part of the capital goes to the market where it is urgently needed as liquidity and is supposed to give the token an intrinsic value.

The project itself may have been able to collect a lot of money from investors in the pre-sale, but since only a small part of the market capitalization is available as liquidity, the token has basically no or only little equivalent value.

WISE works completely differently. WISE is a closed ecosystem where at least 90% of the total capital is automatically transferred to Uniswap. The liquidity tokens (embodying the ownership of the liquidity) are immediately burned by the smart contract. The liquidity is thus irrevocable and forever ownerless on Uniswap. Only 10% or less is required to cover the development costs. What does this mean for the price?

While the other projects start with 5% or less of the market capitalization and only have to generate the equivalent value from the pre-sale again through purchases or re-buys, WISE starts with at least 90% of the original value. This means that the smallest increase in market capitalization leads to a price increase of WISE. At the same time, WISE is very resistant to downward movements. The high level of non-drawable liquidity enables everyone to get back their invested capital.

The massive liquidity gives the token an intrinsic value and its price increase potential.

In addition to this extremely effective mechanism, Uniswap’s market makers also play an important role in the event of price increases of 100x, 1000x, or more.

If the market capitalization of the token increases by a factor of 9, the market makers will increase the price by 100x (please do not confuse this with the market capitalization. This is simply the mechanism of the market makers on Uniswap).

Based on this insight, the next thought might be: The smaller the market capitalization after the pre-sale, the faster a price increase of 100x could be achieved. But here two essential aspects should not be forgotten. The higher the market capitalization, the higher the reputation of WISE, and the more attention WISE will attract. Just imagine, WISE will be the token with the highest liquidity on Uniswap. WISE’s attention would be rightly assured over the next few years.

And secondly, WISE is a serious and long-term investment and not the next pump and dump token that will become the plaything of a few big investors.

For the long-term goal, it is necessary to keep the demand for WISE high. For this purpose, the founders around Peter Girr have created a unique referral program. It is unique in the sense that the duration is unlimited. It is a perpetual referral program. Thus, there will always be referrals that attract new content and attention to WISE and generate additional passive income.

So, WISE draws its enormous potential from 4 essential mechanisms:

- WISE is extremely sensitive to an increase in market capitalization due to the massive ownerless liquidity

- WISE achieves a high degree of investor confidence (no rug pull possible, massive liquidity, audited smart contracts, sustainable yield through interest rates, stability against downward movements, unchangeable smart contracts)

- The principle of how market makers work on Uniswap

- Increasing demand through an unlimited referral program

And you as an investor also benefit from this referral program. Simply use a referral link like this, when you start staking. The system recognizes the link and automatically gives you 10% extra shares when you stake your Wise Token.

Your CryptoTeddy

Article: How to stake WISE TOKEN

Article: How to buy WISE TOKEN

And here is a video How to buy WISE TOKEN

Note: Use a referral link to start your stake

With the referral link, you automatically get 10% extra shares. The system recognizes the link and will automatically credit you the extra shares.

No financial advice. Personal research is recommended.




Crypto enthusiasts since 2017. Looking for the roots of crypto: equality & decentralization